December 23, 2022 Recalibration AKA that awkward moment when you fall in love with your spouse Chapter Three: Freedom as a state of mind (and body) Iron Man, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Recalibration AKA that awkward moment when you fall in love with your spouse, Thor
November 30, 2022 Recalibration AKA that awkward moment when you fall in love with your spouse Chapter Two: Vanishing Act Iron Man, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Recalibration AKA that awkward moment when you fall in love with your spouse, Thor
November 25, 2022 Snap Back to the Past AKA the Infinity Stones Decide to Adopt Tony Stark Chapter Three: Just One Yesterday Avengers, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Snap Back to the Past, The Infinity Stones Decide to Adopt Tony Stark
November 20, 2022 Snap Back to the Past AKA the Infinity Stones Decide to Adopt Tony Stark Chapter Two: Strange Magic Avengers, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man, Loki, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Snap Back to the Past, The Infinity Stones Decide to Adopt Tony Stark, Thor
November 14, 2022 Snap Back to the Past AKA the Infinity Stones Decide to Adopt Tony Stark Chapter One: I am Iron Man Avengers, Iron Man, Loki, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Snap Back to the Past, The Infinity Stones Decide to Adopt Tony Stark
November 13, 2022 Snap Back to the Past AKA the Infinity Stones Decide to Adopt Tony Stark Prologue: The Infinity Stones Adopt Tony Stark Avengers, Iron Man, Loki, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Snap Back to the Past, The Infinity Stones Decide to Adopt Tony Stark