Attracted by Danger, Kept by Athenaeum (Buy me a drink and I’ll show you my library)
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain Marvel, Guardians of the Galaxy
Characters: Carol Danvers, Gamora
Pairings: Carol Danvers/Gamora
Rated: Mature
Summary: Vers sees the most dangerous woman in the galaxy in a bar on Hala and goes I want her to step on my neck. Gamora is impressed at the audacity. They both love books.

Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter), Clara Oswald Echo
Pairings: Jenny/Clara Echo
Rated: Teen and up audiences
Summary: Jenny takes off from Messaline and finds herself in an unsavory place with a familiar face.
Note: This is a one shot at the moment, but if people seem interested I might add more later. I’m working on other stuff though so marking it as complete for now.

Señorita, the truth may hurt, but I can’t help falling in love with you
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Thirteenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan, Ryan Sinclair, Graham O’Brien, Jack Harkness
Pairings: Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan, Jack Harkness/Graham O’Brien
Rated: Teen and up audiences
Summary: While stranded in Miami, the Thirteenth Doctor & co. decide to participate in some karaoke…
A songfic because listening to music while reading Thasmin sparks inspiration like that.

Fandoms: Spider-Man (MCU)
Characters: Peter Parker, Karen (Spider-Man)
Pairings: Past Michelle Jones-Watson/Peter Parker
Rated: General
Summary: No one recognizes the face of Peter Parker. Sure he’s managed to get into college and find a few study partners, but no one could ever come close to Ned and MJ. Hislast remaining friend is Karen, who escaped the spell that Dr. Strange cast on the universe. On slow patrol nights he asks her to play him music that he missed out on during the blip. Usually they don’t hurt this much.

Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Yasmin Khan, Clara Oswin Oswald, Fifteenth Doctor, Ruby Sunday
Pairings: Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan, Twelfth Doctor & Clara Oswald, Yasmin Khan & Clara Oswald
Rated: General
Summary: Yaz wanders into a small antique shop that is not quite what it seems and gets a familiar gift from a familiar stranger.